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Summer Holiday

D'Saison 2021-2022 fänken mir nees mat engem Badmintonstage zu Fiesch un. We start the new season with our traditional badminton camp in Fiesch.

Ab Méindeg 23.08 geet et mam Opbautraining weider. As of Monday 23rd of August we will have the following training hours to get in shape for the new season.


             Holleschbierg   FITNESS
Méindes / Mondays    23.8. / 30.8 / 6.9.  
Kids 11-15 Year       18.00h - 19.30h  Fitness
Adults                        19.30h - 21.30h  Fitness
             Izeg  FITNESS & BADMINTON
Mëttwochs / Wednesdays.      25.8. /1.9. / 8.9   
Fréides /Fridays                         27.8 / 3.9 / 10.9  

Kids 11-15 Years.     17.00h - 19.00h      Badminton
Adults                        19.30h - 21.30h      Badminton
Regular training starts on Monday September 13th,2021

Join us

For the little ones starting out on a lifelong love of badminton or for adults who chooses to swing a badminton raquet.
Beside our mother language luxembourgish, we speak english, french, german and maybe more...
Everyone is welcome in our club.